Web Hosting / Web Space
Your web site needs to be hosted on a computer (server) that is always online, so that your web site can be seen 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Unlimited web space with MYSQL 900mb database £295 per year
All Web Space customers receive the following benefits:
1. Daily backup of your web site and database (30 copies held) and we add anti-malware software.
2. Anti hacking software – blocks people trying to get in after 3 attempts when they are using software to try and guess your password
3. We ask our customers to follow you on social media and we introduce you to customers who you might want to work with
4. We also add SEO software to help the search engines find your site and submit your site to google
5. mobile version has phone symbol (if required wordpress only)
6. A QR Code can be created for your business – QR Code (this is the 3D barcode you see in magazines)
7. We update your google maps listing or create a new one (if required)
Email Acccounts
10 gig IMAP4 email account Example yourname@yourcompanyname.co.uk £70 per year
10GB mailbox space – Daily backup of your email (30 copies held)
ideal for large attachments
Use your preferred software to access your mailbox
Spam filtering included
Industry-standard IMAP4
Webmail included
Domain Names
.co.uk .me.uk .org.uk Example yourcompanyname.co.uk, yourcompanyname.me.uk, yourcompanyname.org.uk £35 per year each
.com .net .org Example yourcompanyname.com, yourcompanyname.net, yourcompanyname.org £45 per year each
Other domain names on request